Further funding sources will be added constantly. The following list concentrates as for now on public/national/regional funding possibilities, privat funding bodies (a.o. VC) will be included in the near future.
New creative industries support service for Wales 0845 603 1614 http://www.wda.co.uk/creativeindustries
Australia |
Australian Film Commision Sydney Office Level 4, 150 William Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011 Australia +61 (2) 9321 6444 +61 (2) 9357 3737 E-mail http://www.afc.gov.au
The commission's funding schemes cover development and production assistance for film, TV and interactive media.
Film Victoria Digital Media Fund GPO Box 4361 Melbourne, Victoria 3001
Australia E-mail http://www.film.vic.gov.au
The Digital Media Fund provides opportunities for cross-platform development between traditional and new media applications and supports industry development in niche markets such as animation and electronic game development
Melbourne Film Office Film Victoria GPO Box 4361 Melbourne, Victoria 3001 Australia +61 (3) 9660 3200 +61 (3) 9660 3201 E-mail http://www.film.vic.gov.au/programs/subdates.shtml
Film Victoria is the Victorian State Government agency that promotes and supports excellence in screen-based content creation in Victoria. The creation of screen content embraces both the development of and investment in both projects and people. The benefits of this are both economic and cultural. Film Victoria favours investment in projects which demonstrate a commitment to quality, innovation and potential commercial viability, are significantly Australian in content and which are controlled, developed and produced by Victorians in Victoria, or which provide clear economic benefits to Victoria. Besides Film funding, Film Victoria has a Digital Animation Program, a Game Prototype Development Program, a Program for Innovative Digital Content and a Digital Media Internship.
Austria |
Bundeskanzleramt Sektion fuer Kunstangelegenheiten Herbert Timmermann Abt. II/3 Film und neue Medien Schottengasse 1 Wien 1014 Austria +43 (1) 531 150 +43 (1) 531 157 538 DW E-mail http://www.bundeskanzleramt.at/DesktopDefault.aspx?alias=kunst&init
Their programm provides federal funding programmes for all segments of contemporary art including the performing and fine arts, music and literature, film, new media, photography, architecture and design.
Bundesministerium fuer Wirtschaft und Arbeit Sektion Unternehmen und Technologie Abt. I/16: Forschung und Technologie Funding : Multi-Platform Content Applications
Stubenring 1 Wien 1010 Austria E-mail http://www.econtent.at/platform/de/index.shtml
Multi-Platform Content Applications
Cine Tirol Filmfoerderung Film Commission & Fund c/o Tirol Werbung Maria-Theresien-Str. 55 Innsbruck 6010 Austria +43 (512) 5320182 +43 (512) 5320140 E-mail cinetirol@tirolwerbung.at
Film funding and supports for multimedia production
iP ImpulsProgramm CreativWirtschaft
quartier21/MQ Museumsplatz 1 Wien 1070 Austria
E-mail http://www.impulsprogramm.at/
Oesterreichs Position als Kreativstandort mit einem klaren und wettbewerbsfaehigen Profil soll weiter ausgebaut werden. Das neue Innovationsprogramm ImpulsProgramm creativwirtschaft besteht aus monetaeren Foerderungen (iP Foerderung) sowie Ausbildungs- und Awarenessmassnahmen zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung der Unternehmen.
Belgium |
Flemish Audiovisual Fund (VAF) Belgium E-mail http://www.vaf.be
The Flemish Audiovisual Fund (VAF) supports audiovisual production in, as well as international co-productions with Flanders. The Fund was set up by the Flemish government in 2002 and is headquartered in Brussels.
Canada |
British Columbia Film 2225 West Broadway Vancouver, British Columbia V6K 2E4 Canada +1 (604) 7367997 +1 (604) 7367290 E-mail http://www.bcfilm.bc.ca
BRITISH COLUMBIA FILM is a private, non-profit society (The F.D.B.C. Film Development Society of British Columbia), that operates at arms-length from government and reports to a Board of Directors. The Society receives a majority of its operating funding from the provincial government through the Ministry of Small Business and Economic Development.
Project Development Fund
Telefilm Canada Head Office - Quebec 360 St. Jacques Street Quebec H2Y 4A9 Canada +1 (514) 2836363 +1 (514) 2838212 E-mail http://www.telefilm.gc.ca
The Canada New Media Fund provides $9 million per year in support of the pre-development, development, production, marketing and distribution of Canadian new media products, as well as sectoral development.
Denmark |
Den Vestdanske Filmpulje Sekretariatet c/o Fritids - og Kulturforvaltningen Vestergade 55 Arhus C 8000 Denmark +45 (8) 940 48 82 +45 (8) 619 17 22 E-mail http://www.filmpuljen.dk
Finland |
Avek/The Promotion Centre for Audiovisual Culture in Finland HIetaniemenkatu 2 Helsinki 00100 Finland +358 (9) 431 523 50 +358 (9) 431 523 77 E-mail http://www.kopiosto.fi/index.php?cid=avek
AVEK's production section is divided into two categories: short films and documentaries +media art/ multimedia productions. Funding for script writing, production preparation, production, post-production and distribution is possible for both categories. The support is selective, given either as a grant or a loan.
Opetusministerioe Viestintaekulttuuriyksikkoe PL 29 (Meritullinkatu 10, Helsinki) VALTIONEUVOSTO, HELSINKI 00023 Finland +358 (9) 160 04/+358 (9) 578 14 +358 (9) 135 93 35 E-mail http://www.minedu.fi/opm/avustukset/index.html
Taiteenkeskustoimikunta PL 293 (kaeyntiosoite Maneesikatu 7) Helsinki 00171 Finland +358 (9) 160 779 21 E-mail http://www.taiteenkeskustoimikunta.fi
France |
Agence Culturelle d'Alsace BP 25 Selestat 67601 France +33 (3) 885 887 57 +33 (3) 885 887 59 E-mail http://www.culture-alsace.org/
Supports innovative multimedia productions
Centre National de la Cinematographie 12, rue de Lubeck Paris Cedex 16 75784 France +33 (1) 44 34 34 07 +33 (1)44 34 34 62 E-mail http://www.cnc.fr
Supports multimedia development and publishing
Conseil regional Midi-Pyrenees 22 Boulevard du Marechal-Juin Toulouse Cedex 04 31406 France +33 (5) 613 350 50 +33 (5) 613 352 66 http://www.cr-mip.fr
Supports development of multimedia development as well as local multimedia producers/co-producers
CRRAV (Centre Regional de Ressources Audiovisuelles) 21 rue Edgar Quinet Tourcoing France +33 (3) 202 826 40 +33 (3) 202 826 41 E-mail http://www.crrav.com
Supports script writing and development or multimedia projects
IFCIC (Institut pour le financement du cinema et des industries culturelles) 46, Avenue Victor Hugo Paris 75116 France (+33) (+33) http://www.ifcic.fr/mac/accueil.htm
Governmental mediator between investors and investees. Advice and support of funding models including bank guarantees.
RIAM Secretariat du Reseau RIAM CNC - Direction du Multimedia
11, rue Galilee Paris 75116 France E-mail http://www.cnc.fr/riam/index.htm
French Government is promoting: - production and distribution of cinema and television - interactive programmes, animation and electronical imaging - audiovisual and multimedia industries
Germany |
ATTACTION GmbH Siggi Koegl Mauerkicherstrasse 66 Muenchen 81925 Germany +49(89)383774-11 +49(89)383774-79 E-mail http://www.attaction.com/index.htm
Attaction was founded in 2001 in Munich/Germany with the focus of acting as an independent executive producer and arranger in the global games industry by forming a bridge between those who provide alternative investments. Attaction is the first company in Germany having successfully adapted the tax-sheltering film fund model to the global game production industry.
Hamburg Media Hamburger Strasse 11 Hamburg 22083 Germany E-mail http://www.hamburg-media.net/
Funding for Game Prototype Development mostly for Hamburg based SME's. More infos: http://www.hamburg-media.net/scripts/newsfeed/Temp_files/0001783102.pdf Application form: http://www.hamburg-media.net/scripts/newsfeed/Temp_files/0001783101.pdf
Kulturelle Filmfoerderung Schleswig-Holstein e.V Germany E-mail http://www.infomedia-sh.de/medien/filmfoerderung_sh.html
Supports development of multimedia projects
MFG Digital Content Funding Katja Walter Breitscheidstr. 4 Stuttgart 70174 Germany +49 (711) 907 154 02 E-mail http://www.mfg.de
Funding available for the distribution of interactive projects with film relevant content, applying company has to be based in Baden-Wuerttemberg, international co-productions elegible.
Mitteldeutsche Medienfoerderung MDM GmbH Mario Fischer Hainstr. 19 Leipzig 04109 Germany +49 (341) 269 87 22 +49 (341) 269 87 42 E-mail http://www.mdm-online.de/foerderung/f_home.html
Funding available for development, production and distribution of multimedia projects.
nordmedia Die Mediengesellschaft Niedersachsen/Bremen mbH Hannover 30532 Germany 0511 123456-0 E-mail http://www.nord-media.de
Luxembourg |
Fonds national de soutien a la production audiovisuelle 5, rue Large Luxembourg 1917 Luxembourg +352 (478) 20 65 +352 (220) 963 E-mail http://www.filmfund.lu
The Film Fund of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, first established in 1990 and restructured in 1999, exists primarily to promote and foster an environment in which the country's film production industry can develop and flourish. Supports production of multimedia projects.
Netherlands |
Het Rotterdams Fonds voor de Film en audiovisuele media Rotterdam Film Fund Rochussenstraat 3c EA Rotterdam 1315 Netherlands +31 (10) 436 07 47 +31 (10) 436 05 53 E-mail http://www.rff.rotterdam.nl
The Rotterdam Film Commission invites filmmakers to the Main Movie Port in Europe, an international city that is booming as a centre for film activities and offers cutting edge architecture and urban entertainment. Supports development of multimedia projects.
Norway |
Fond for lyd og bilde Grev Wedels plass 1 Oslo 0151 Norway +47 (22) 478 330 +47 (22) 334 042 http://www.kulturrad.no/
Norsk filmfond Filmens Hus
Kaja Hench Dyrlie Dronningensgate 16 , PB 752, Sentrum Oslo 0106 Norway + 47 (22) 47 80 40 http://www.filmfondet.no/iCM.aspx
Development funding for interactive applications
Portugal |
ICAM Rua de S. Pedro de Alcantara, 45, 1e Lisboa 1269 Portugal +351 (213) 230 800 +351 (213) 431 19 52 E-mail http://www.icam.pt
Supports development , production and distribution of multimedia projects a well as transfer to dvd format.
Singapore |
National Arts Council Singapore 140 Hill Street #03-01 MITA Building Singapore (65) 6746 4622 (65) 6837 3017 http://www.nac.gov.sg
The New Media Arts Fund supports the development and creatin of artistic work that explores or experiments with new forms of expressions. A key objektive of the Fund ist to support work that is interdisciplinary, with a focus on new work and professional development in new media arts practice. The funding is only for Singaporeans and permanent residents.
Spain |
Conselleria de Cultura, Comunicacion Social e Turismo, Xunta de Galicia Spain http://www.xunta.es/conselle/cultura/creadifucul.htm
Supports script and project development as well as production of multimedia projects
Sweden |
Konstnarsnamnden Fredsgatan 12 Stockholm 111 86 Sweden +46 (8) 457 02 45 E-mail http://www.konstnarsnamnden.se
Switzerland |
Funding of Media Art Projects lic. phil. Maria Stergiou Bundesamt fuer Kultur Sektion Kunst und Design Hallwylstrasse 15 Bern 3003 Switzerland +41 31 323 89 43 +41 31 322 57 71 E-mail http://www.bak.admin.ch/bak/themen/kulturfoerderung/00476/00617/00620/index.html?lang=de
United Kingdom |
EM Media United Kingdom E-mail http://www.em-media.org.uk/
Supports development of multimedia projects Their mission ist to place media at the heart of cultural economy of the East-Midlands through innovation, inspiration, and investment. EM Media will lead and promote a culturally diverse, nationally significant and sustainable media sector. EM Media is also planning a support for games.
fund4games 120 Old Broad Street London EC2N 1AR United Kingdom +44 (0) 20 7763 2200 +44 (0) 20 7763 2399 E-mail http://www.fund4games.com/
Using a funding model that is unique in the computer games industry, Fund4Games finances individual games projects, rather than companies. Fund4Games uses a set of contractual relationships to control project management, help developers meet milestones, and make progress payments against future license fees. The financing is recouped when the project is complete.
GameRepublic Michael Crampton Studio 22 Leeds Design Innovation Centre 46 The Calls Leeds LS2 7EY United Kingdom 01132368239 01132944989 E-mail www.gamerepublic.org
GR and our partners are helping our members develop their businesses by providing support for trade missions, conferences, networking events, business development, R&D and playable demoÕs of games and new technology. Since the launch in 2003 GameRepublic has assisted its members in obtaining business and creative development support in excess of about 2 million EUR.
Fishmongers' Chambers 110 Upper Thames Street London EC4R 3TW United Kingdom +44 (20) 7645 9500 E-mail http://www.nesta.org.uk
NESTA, the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, is working to transform the UK's capacity for innovation - and invests in all stages of the innovation process, backing new ideas and funding new ventures that stimulate entrepreneurship.
North West Vision 233 The Tea Factory 82 Wood Street Liverpool L14DQ United Kingdom +44 151 708 2967 +44 151 7082974 E-mail http://www.northwestvision.co.uk/
Scottish Screen Second Floor 249 West George Street Glasgow, Scotland G2 4QE United Kingdom +44 (141) 302 17 42 +44 (141) 302 17 14 E-mail http://www.scottishscreen.com
Supports company development of multimedia companies
The Arts Council of Northern Ireland MacNeice House 77 Malone Road Belfast BT9 6AQ United Kingdom +44 (28) 903 852 00 +44 (28) 906 617 15 E-mail http://www.artscouncil-ni.org
Supports development and production of multimedia projects
a list of the newest fundings are shown at the following link: http://www.artscouncil-ni.org/subpages/funding.htm